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            .::::::::::::::. |___/ .:::::. |___/ .:::::. |___/ .:::.

Seasons Greetings!

I've repackaged this music demo from Wally 'HAGAR' Beben, as it didn't like
Kickstart 3.x and whilst at it, I thought I'd extract the text (...and then
format it!), along with the module. It can be found in the mods/ directory.

The file named 'xmas.pmc' is in compressed format, you'd just be interested
in the file 'xmas.mod', should you wish to use it in Protracker etc.

I've used the AM/FM-Player, but in doing so, it caused the text to move up a
line on Kickstart 3.x! I've fixed the carriage return issue by zeroing out a
single byte in the player, which inhibits the mousebuttons message, which is
not needed in this instance, as there's already text stating that on-screen.

The original demo file 'sdchrispak.dem', is on disk for the curious.

Best wishes

Motion/Artstate � 10.12.2024

ASCII Logo: FuZioN/NeoKorTeX