Goto10, Elfsong and Powerline are pleased to invite you to..

                 | .#.  .######.  ##  #######.  .######. |
                 | ###  ###  ###  ##  ###  ###  ###   ## |
                 | ###  ###       ##  ###  ###  ###      |
                 | ###  ###       ##  ###  ###  ###  ### |
                 | ###  ###   ##  ##  ###  ###  ###   ## |
                 | ###  ########  ##  ###  ###  ######## |
                 | `#'  `######'  ##  ###  ###  `######' |
         ._. .------------------------------------------------.
         `\| | .######################.  #################### |
           ^ | ########          ######  #################### |
             | ########################              ######   |
             |  #######################          ######       |
             |                   ######      ######           |
             |  ######################'    ####               |

      (Note: Left mouse pauses, Right speed things up and ESC quits)




  At the right time, at the right place.. Bang! We hit the nation with the
   third annual Icing party. This time with some major changes in both the
 board, staff and attitude. Unless you happen to be located in some faraway,
  sunny country - don't miss this opportunity to meet your old friends, get
                  some new friends, and have a helluvatime.

                            14 - 18 of June, 1997
                     The doors open at 14:00 the 14'th,
                        and close at 10:00 the 18'th.

                         In V�ttlehallen, Stenkullen
                      (A suburb of Gothenburg, Sweden)

                                  HOW MUCH?
                  200 SEK at the door, 170 SEK in advance.
               Please see the end of the page for information
               regarding how to pay in advance (Swedes only).
                    Girls do of course get in for free!

                              HOW TO GET THERE:
                                   - CAR -
  If you're travelling by car, take the E20 towards Stockholm or G�teborg,
   depending on where you start. When you reach Kastenhofsmotet, leave the
   highway and follow the signs saying "Stenkullen". Having arrived at the
  center of Stenkullen, turn left into the street called Gr�bov�gen. After
about 300 metres you have V�ttlehallen, the party place, on your right hand.

                           - TRAIN, BOAT, PLANE. -

 When travelling using any of these vehicles you should get to G�teborg as a
  start. If you are one of those rich chaps or maybe a bit lazy, the right
   thing for you to do is to call for a cab and make the driver follow the
 description above. The other alternative is to locate Centralstationen, the
    main (and only) railway station of G�teborg and catch the local train
  towards Lerum. Get off at Stenkullen, the first stop after Lerum. Proceed
  straight forward on foot about 250 meters and you face V�ttlehallen, the
  party place. Signs in the surrounding of the party place will guide you;
 you cannot virtually fail to find Icing '97. If you still do, just ask some
    nice-looking fellow to explain the way to the icehall "V�ttlehallen".

                        - IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS -
           There are several ways for you to get in touch with us.
           First, there's the homepage at
                  And, there's the mailbox at
    BUT, if you should be one of those unfortunate souls to lack internet
   connection, there are two more solutions (though they require you to be
                            able to use a phone.)
      Dial Liket (Leif Claesson) at +46-31-466403, or give Dr. G�nther
         (Fredrik Arenhag) a ring at +46-31-184404 or +46-301-19185.

  If you happen to be a concerned mother, wondering what your son is up to,
    then don't hesitate to call. We'll be glad to straighten things out.

                    - F�RHANDSREGISTRERING / BETALNING -
                               (f�r svenskar)

                              Varf�r f�rbetala?

                                 L�gre pris!
  Att f�rbetala sparar oss administrativt arbete, samtidigt som vi f�r en
    aning om hur m�nga som kommer. Trots att intr�det p� Icing �r knappt
   h�lften av vad andra stora partyn tar, blir det �nnu prisbilligare att
         betala i f�rv�g - 170 kronor i st�llet fr 200 vid d�rren.

                            Snabbare inloggning!
       Om du f�rbetalar med postgiro, och sedan skickar oss ett e-mail
         inneh�llande viss information (se slutet av sidan), s� blir
 inloggningsproceduren betydligt enklare. Allt du behver g�ra �r att knappa
  in betalningsnumret p� postgiroblanketten, visa oss kvittot och sedan �r
                          det bara att g� r�tt in!

                              Garanterad plats!
  Icing �r inne p� sitt tredje �r, och har blivit mer och mer popul�rt f�r
      varje �r. Eftersom vi i �r har ett datum som passar det flesta, i
 kombination med v�rt numera goda rykte, finns det en stor chans (risk) att
   det kommer mycket folk. Genom att f�rbetala garanterar du dig en plats
                    eftersom f�rbetalande har f�retr�de.

    Trots att m�nga av v�ra leverant�rer g�tt med p� betalning helt eller
   delvis i efterhand, s� finns det dock leverantrer som vill ha betalt i
   f�rskott f�r sina produkter (exempelvis Jolt och Bigscreen). Genom att
   f�rbetala underl�ttar ni v�rt samarbete med v�ra leverant�rer, vilket i
                 sin tur kan leda till l�gre priser f�r er!

                          Hur registrerar man sig?

  Enkelt. G� till n�rmaste postkontor och skaffa en postgiroblankett. Skriv
   ditt riktiga namn, ditt handle, belopp (170 kr) och betalningsmottagare
"Icing'97", nummer 142 78 92-3 p� blanketten, och betala sedan i postkassan.
  Enkelt, va =). F�r att g�ra det riktigt enkelt f�r dig sj�lv vid ingngen
                        kan du dock g�ra en sak till:

        Skicka ett e-mail till med f�ljande information:

                   Betalningsnumret p� postgiroblanketten

                                  Ditt namn

                                 Ditt handle

                             Ditt telefonnummer

                             Din e-mail address

                                  Din �lder

                                 Din adress
                            ...och din datortyp.

       Genom att g�ra detta slipper du allt knapprande vid ing�ngen,
                  eftersom vi d� har all information redan.

                  Gl�m inte att ta med kvittot till partyt!


                               - FACILITIES -

                             Quiet sleeping hall

                                 Clean loo's

                          Powerful sound equipment

                               4*3m Bigscreen


                                  24h caf�
                         (with the first two x-files
                      seasons showing on a 28 inch TV)

                          Inexpensive, good pizzas

           Security personnel will keep track of things and people


             Enough power for everyone, so bring your computer!

                             1800 square meters!

                          92 hours non-stop action

                          Loads of surprise compos

                        Live on stage Scene Jeopardy!

                     Network radio! (D2LIK = cd quality)

                          Compo audio in the radio!

                          The press will be present

                  Network for everyone! (100 MBit Backbone)


                               - REGULATIONS -

                                 No alcohol!

                                 No smoking!

                    Snusning till�ten! (�lderskontroll ;)
                   Bestraffas enligt muslimsk lag (l�ppen)
   No rasistic messages/actions will be tolerated (applies to BOTH sides)

                          (and computer platforms)
                         Troublemakers will be shot.
          Swedish and stockoid law is valid also at the partyplace.
                                  No drugs.
                                 No weapons.

    Microwave ovens/toasters/coffee machines etc are *not* allowed on the
 table outlets, because of possible overload. If you really must bring these
          devices, talk to the electricians before plugging it in!
 (Please note that we will be very un-pleased if fuses blow because of your
                              kitchen devices.)

                      #include <standard_disclaimer.h>

                               - COMPO RULES -

        All compos except graphics will be taped on Hifi-VHS or SVHS!

                     All compo organizers are anonymous.

 All compos involving executables should run in 50hz native. Using LikTwiik
  is an easy way to achieve this. If they don't, we'll run it with the 50hz
                               driver GA.COM.


    All contributions must be delivered to the info desk before deadline!

   For demo and intro contributions, at least one person of the group must
  be present. For all other contributions, everybody involved in the making
                              must be present.

        Late entries may be negotiated with the concerned organizer.
    We default to spreading all contributions. Talk to the warezdood for

                              - VOTING RULES -

   The voting will be done by networked computers, which will be placed at
  convenient places throughout the hall. You will choose a voting password
                  when you log yourself in at the entrance.


 It is *strictly* prohibited to use another person's voting login/password.
 Any attempts to do this will result in the person concerned getting his/her
    entry disqualified, as well as being dragged to the stage for public

    In addition, any person giving his login/password to someone else has
                      forfeited his/her right to vote.

    We have set these rules to provide a fair chance for all competitors,
          and we expect them to be followed. Don't push your luck.

                              - INTRO CREDITS -

                                Amiga version:

                          Code by Chip of PowerLine
                         Music by Wasp of PowerLine
                       Graphics by Orhan of PowerLine


                      The Amiga competion machine is a...

                      A1200/030/50Mhz with 8MB of fastmem.

                              Amiga demo compo:

    The demo must be delivered on no more than 4 880kB disks (no special
       formats) or 2 1.76MB disks, and must be packed with LHA or LZX.
  The demo MUST exit if either LMB or RMB is pressed. The maximum length of
 the demo is 5 minutes. If you can't deliver the demo on disk, speak with us
                               for solutions.

                             Amiga intro compo:

            The intro MUST exit if either LMB or RMB is pressed.

                             Maximum size: 64kB.

                         Maximum length: 3 minutes.

                     The PC competition machine is a...

 Cyrix P166+ with 32mb memory, Hercules Dynamite 128 (ET6000), GUS and SB16.
...Using Qemm386 or Himem, has 600kb free basemem, and runs WIN95 DOS (7.0).
 UniVBE (vesa 2.0) is present. DOS4GW, DOS32.EXE and BRUN45.exe will be in a
                              pathed directory.

                               PC demo compo:

    The demo must be delivered on no more than 2 1.44mb disks (no special
               formats!), and must be packed with ZIP or ARJ.

                    The demo must EXIT if ESC is pressed.

                The maximum length of the demo is 5 minutes.

                               PC intro compo:

                   The intro must EXIT if ESC is pressed.

                             Maximum size 64kb.

                         Maximum length: 3 minutes.

                                 Wild compo:

           No rules except the maximum running length: 5 minutes.

  Contributions should be delivered on Videotape (or, bring your hardware).

                              4 channel music:

              Maximum size 500k, and maximum length 3 minutes.

       All contributions will be played with Cubic Player / ProTracker
   The amiga protracker has a bug -- there is no such thing as no looping.
  The amiga loops the last two bytes of every sample whether you like it or
  not, which means that modules made on PC often sounds crap when played on
 amiga. However, the PC can play amiga modules =). Anyway, we have received
 quite a few complaints from amiga musicians who want their tunes played in
  ProTracker, so we decided to let the musicians choose. This has been made
                   possible by pre-taping the music compo.

                             Multichannel music:

             Maximum size 1mb, and maximum length is 3 minutes.

  All contributions will be played with Cubic Player unless you have a good
           reason why we should tape your tune from your computer.

                               Graphics compo:

                   No redraws, no scans and no raytraces!

                     Maximum resolution 640*512, 24-bit.

                               Raytrace compo:

                     Maximum resolution 640*512, 24-bit.

                           Fastintro competition:

                      Make a demo from scratch in 10h.

  You may use old routines, but all linking and design must be done in the
                              competition time.

    Some special things must be included, we'll let you know at the time.

            For size and time limit, check the demo compo rules.
