�-* B R E E Z E    N O W  *-�

     	            a Darkage 4kb intro for Astrosyn'99



Abyss, Absurd, Anadune, Apathy,  Appendix, Bizarre Arts, Capsule, C-Lous,
Degeneration, Depth, Dual Crew-Shining, Elven��, Endzeit, Factor, Floppy,
Genesis, Giants, Gods, Haujobb, HoNoo,  IRIS,  Kenguru,  Limited Edition,
Looker House, Mantra, MaWi, Nature, Nerve Axis, Network,  Nuance,  Ozone,
Ram Jam, Ramses, Risiko+, RNO, Silicon, Scoopex, Skarla, Soft-One, t13n!,
TBL, TCD, Venture.

			      CONTACT US:

 MODEM ------------------------------------> granata@mail.caribusiness.it
 DIP  --------------------------------------------> mdipieri@unive.dsi.it


Spoleto (Italy), 16 March 1999. It's late night, and I decided to start a
4kb intro for the cool polish party Astrosyn'99.  I used some routines by
my friend Dip/Darkage,  and  he agreed to let me insert his bytes in this
intro.  I hope that you'll like it!  Now it's late night  of  17th  March
1999, and I'm listening cool mp3s while writing this short piece of text.

A note... !!revo  si are nA daed si egakraD

If you're  smart  enough  to  understand  the  text  above,  you'll  have
something to write about in your diskmagazine.

POWERED by DARKAGE SOFTWARE! http://www.idealia.net/darkage